Thursday, January 12, 2012

Starting Fresh

For the past three years or so most of the drawing I have done has been in the in the wee hours of the night during the middle of a panic attack. It is the only thing (in conjunction with meds) that calms me down. You would be appalled at the number of sketches I have of shower stalls, toilet papers rolls, and underwear pooled at my feet. Too much information? Sorry, but there it is.There have been intermittent bouts of creativity, though, and lately I have been feeling it strongly. So, now that my daughter is old enough to pee by herself and my son is walking I am jumping back in. Specifically with this year's Picture Book Dummy Challenge. Thanks to Bonnie Adamson and Wendy Martin for organizing. I will post a link when I figure out how. You wouldn't believe how much has changed in the last three and a half years.Wish me luck!

Side note: I will put up older work periodically and post some sketches when I am feeling confidant.Tootles.

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